Main production program is production of tapered roller bearings in metric and inch dimensions, in outer diameter from 35 to 560 mm. Production is able to produce more than 228 types of tapered roller bearings, standard and non-standard, produced according standards ISO and STN. Standard tapered roller bearings are produced in construction rows 302, 303, 313, 320X, 322, 323, 331 a 332. Company is mainly export orientated, when 82 % of bearings production is exported to 27 countries on 4 continents.
Company started to build System of quality management during year 1991 (in company ZVL BEARINGS) in accordance with standard EN 29001:1987 which resulted in issuing of 1. publication of Quality handbook (without label), which was effective from September 11th 1992. This System of quality management had not been certified.
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Single row tapered roller bearings
Single row tapered roller bearings have wide range of usage in variety of industry branches, especially in automotive industry, tractors, agricultural machines, finishers, excavators, nmachine tools and so on. Construction of bearings with high amount of rolling elements in one row allows bearings to have high bearing power in radial and axial direction. Axial load capability is dependant upon value of contact angle. Bearings with high contact angle, for example 331 row are fitted for cushion of bigger axial powers. Imposition with single row tapered roller bearings is created usually by pair of bearings, because single bearings can transfer axial burden only in one way. Bearings are demountable. Inner rings with rolling elements and cage represents one assembly unit. Single row tapered roller bearings, shown in dimensional tables are compliant international deimension plan ISO 355.
Except basic range, which is shown in tables, many other tapered roller bearings of other types and dimensions are produced, for example with flange in outer ring, e.g. BAR mutually grouped single row tapered roller bearings and for example AXA types of bearings.
Designations of signle-row tapered roller bearings in basic design is shown in dimension tables.
Designations of single row tapered roller bearings in inch dimensions conforms to manner, usual for majority of producers of these bearings. By number before fraction bar is represented inner ring of bearing with rolling elements and cage. By number after fraction bar is represented outer ring of bearing, e.g. KLM 48548/10
Is pressed from steel stripe. In case of additional label J2 is labelled cage construction with reduced oversize over wide head of outer ring. Tapered roller bearings of basic range are assembled only with steel cages.
Single row tapered roller bearings are currently produced in normal grade of precision P0. For special inflictions, demanding precision, or working with high frequency of turning are produced bearings in higher grade of precision P6X,P5 and P4.