Quality policy
Permanent aim of company ZVL AUTO spol. s r.o. is continuously increasing of production quality and improvement of relations with customers as well. These aims are defined by long-term strategy of QUALITY POLICY.
- ECONOMICS – to plan, to manage, to cooperate. Based upon yearly aims to manage main processes and their efficiency. To decrease unproductive costs. By optimal stocks not to threat customers of automotive industry. To develop main suppliers, demand high quality of their supplies for reasonable prices. To stabilise cash-flow.
- ASSETS DEVELOPMENT – to concentrate, to slenderise, to modernise. To concentrate production into shorten transport routes. To modernise control and measurement tools, machines and devices and their control system to improve their efficiency. To decrease material and energy intensity of production and impacts of activities on environment, to prepare implementation of System of environmental management in middle-term horiziont.
- EMPLOYEES – to train, to motivate, to communicate. Each employee has to know what and how to do and be responsible for error-less work according principles of selfcontrol. By error-less work to increase quality and to cost cuts. To focus on motivation of employees to increase their performance and stability. To increase work safety and to improve working conditions.